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150 NGOs call on EU to stop support for new hydropower plants

Following World Fish Migration Day, 150 NGOs have joined forces to call on the EU institutions to stop public funding of new hydropower projects in Europe. Building more hydropower is contrary to the biodiversity medium_ww25300_1_400x251-equal.jpggoals of the European Green Deal, as new power plants would only make a small contribution to the energy transition, weighted by the environmental damage they cause. NGOs call for public investment to be redirected towards upgrading existing plants, energy efficiency measures and less polluting renewable energy alternatives such as wind and solar power.

The mobilisation by NGOs comes a few months after new analysis showed that 93% of Europe's freshwater migratory fish have been lost since 1970, partly due to hydropower. While 91% of existing and planned plants in Europe are considered "small" - meaning they have a capacity of less than 10MW - and contribute little to the energy mix, their environmental impact is dramatic. If built, these plants will destroy Europe's last free-flowing rivers and further degrade increasingly fragile freshwater ecosystems.

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Water protection needs political priority and more resources

Environmental organisations demand ambitious implementation of European targets from federal and state governments

Joint press release by BUND, GRÜNE LIGA, NABU, WWF and the environmental umbrella organisation Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR)

spree_ideengruen_400x267-equal.jpgBerlin, 11.09.2020 -

"Water protection is a service of general interest. Without further financial and human resources as well as adaptation of organisational structures and laws, the European obligations to protect water bodies cannot be implemented," declare the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), the Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR), the GRÜNE LIGA, the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) and the WWF Deutschland on the occasion of today's Water Protection Forum of the environmental associations. "The three consecutive dry summers show quite clearly that water is a very precious commodity even in our latitudes," the associations agreed and demanded that the federal and state governments consistently protect water bodies in line with European requirements.


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Position paper: "Water protection in European agriculture"

Without fundamental changes in European agricultural policy, the goals of the Water Framework Directive cannot be achieved. Nutrients and pesticides, but also the transformation of watercourses for intensive agriculture, are causing problems for water bodies. The GRÜNE LIGA Federal Contact Point for Water has compiled some positive approaches across the EU and published them in cooperation with the European Environmental Bureau EEB in the brochure: "Agri-Water-Nexus - Agricultural practices that protect water".

positionspapier_EEB_GL_Water-Agri-NEXUS2019_EBOOK_100x142-equal.jpgThe position paper can be downloaded here (pdf 1.1 MB).

Position Paper: "Water for Life"

On the occasion of the Bonn2011 conference "The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus - Solutions for the Green Economy", the GRÜNE LIGA published the 12-page brochure "Water for Life", which addresses key international challenges such as the human right to water and sanitation, European river basin management and international dam plans. The position paper was produced in cooperation with Forum Environment and Development, Global Nature Fund, infoe, Lake Constance Foundation, Netzwerk unser Wasser and International Rivers. For the realisation of the German edition (February 2011), Deutsche Umwelthilfe and Netzwerk Lebendige Seen Deutschland could also be won as cooperation partners.

positionspapier_water_for_life_103x145-equal.jpgThe position paper can be downloaded here (pdf 1.02 MB).


Water Newsletter

Always up to date on the topic of water protection with the Wasserblatt. With short news items and an extensive nationwide list of events, the Water Bulletin of the Green League provides monthly information on current events in the water sector. Subscribe free of charge to the water bulletin distribution list at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and receive the water bulletin with the latest news by e-mail every month.
You can find more information about our info distributors here.


All issues of the Water Newsletter 2022:

Water Newsletter May 2022 (pdf 1,6MB)

Water Newsletter April 2022 (pdf 379 KB)

Water Newsletter March 2022 (pdf 642 KB)

Water Newsletter February 2022 (pdf 550 KB)
Water Newsletter January 2022 (pdf 319 KB)

All issues of the Water Newsletter 2021:
Water Newsletter December 2021 (pdf 2,3 MB)


The GRÜNE LIGA Federal Contact Point Water has been a member of the EEB's Water Working Group for over 20 years and is a founding member of both the Water Working Group of the Forum Environment and Development and the "Living Lakes Germany" network.



Michael Bender represents the GRÜNE LIGA as an observer at the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (IKSE).




LogoStiftungLivingRivers.pngIn 2021, the cooperation between the GRÜNE LIGA and the Living Rivers Foundation was intensified and a joint office was established at the federal association.



Together with the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin, we were active in the Aktionsnetz Kleingewässer Berlin, in 2022.









Logo_WN-2.jpgSince January 2023, the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. is partner in the pilot project Wassernetz Berlin. We will organise 24 dialogues at water over 3 years (around 8 per year) to raise awareness of the public on the issues faced by water bodies and offer training in their management (biodiversity, physical and chemical status, etc.), as well as helping our partners in the project to prepare for the enhancement and restoration measures that will be implemented in the framework of this pilot project. You can find the schedule of dialogs on our events page.





On the European level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also member of the European Water Movement. The EWM aims at reinforcing the recognition of water as a commons and as a fundamental universal right.





On a global level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also involved in the People's Water Forum, a coordinating space for Water Justice Movements around the world.






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