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Landslide in LEAG open-cast mining lake on the outskirts of Cottbus - GRÜNE LIGA: unusual and worrying - mining authority: visual similarity with Helenesee landslide

TDJI_0292_400x267-equal.jpghe environmental network GRÜNE LIGA is concerned about the slides on the bank of the Cottbus Ostsee, the former open-cast lignite mine Cottbus-Nord, which faces the city.
"When the grown shore of an open-cast mining lake starts to slide, this is unusual and worrying. With Schlichow, an inhabited settlement lies in the immediate vicinity of the slide. In addition, the area of the quay wall is affected, where the city of Cottbus wants to extensively develop the lakeshore and where millions of structural funds are flowing in," says René Schuster, lignite expert of the association.
Several landslides occurred in February and March. In the Cottbus district of Schlichow, the former noise protection dam was extensively closed off. LEAG is currently analysing the causes. This was confirmed by LEAG and the mining authority at the request of the GRÜNE LIGA last Thursday at the meeting of the Brandenburg Lignite Committee. The responsible department head at the State Office for Mining, Geosciences and Raw Materials also pointed out that the landslide visually resembles the one in Lake Helene near Frankfurt (Oder).

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European Groundwater Memorandum to secure the quality and quantity of drinking water for future generations

























The present European Groundwater Memorandum formulates five key requirements for the protection of naturally formed groundwater resources and thus complements the European River Memorandum (ERM) aiming at the protection of the surface water bodies. Around 170 water suppliers, representing the water protection and drinking water interests of 188 million of people in the catchment areas of the rivers Rhine, Ruhr, Danube, Elbe, Meuse and Scheldt in 18 riparian states have collaborated. The five key requirements include:

  • naturally available groundwater: sufficient quantities and good quality;
  • the preservation of groundwater (from anthropogenic and geogenic pollution) as a precious common resource;
  • the priority use must be given to public drinking water by binding legislation;
  • a “zero-pollution” protection goal should be established with intervention values and intervention measures;
  • the cooperation between the different stakeholders and users such as polluters, water suppliers, states and individuals: precautionary and polluter-pays principles; transparent and available data collection and monitoring.

You can find the entire Groundwater Memorandum following this link: (PDF 1,8 MB)


GRÜNE LIGA publishes background information and positions on the consequences of lignite mining on the water balance

kohle.wasser.geld_282x384-equal.PNGCottbus, 10.02.2022. The environmental network GRÜNE LIGA has already issued numerous expert statements on how to deal with the water balance in Lusatia, which has been significantly disturbed by lignite mining. Under the title "Coal.Water.Money.", the most important contexts and demands have now been clearly summarised and published.

Opencast lignite mines are among the most serious interventions in the water balance and have shaped Lusatia for many decades. Problems caused in the process were often left to later generations to solve. This is becoming increasingly difficult with the decision to phase out coal: now all the cards must be on the table. What are the real follow-up costs of the opencast mines? Who is responsible as the polluter and to what extent? Above all, there are only a few years left to find out what damage can still be avoided or reduced.

The paper clearly contradicts claims that an early coal phase-out would aggravate the water problem: "The fact is: between the decommissioning of the opencast mines and the end of the groundwater rise, there will be a bottleneck in the flow in the Spree - and this is completely independent of whether coal use ends in 2038 or earlier. The cause of the water shortage is the opencast mining itself, which has removed the groundwater supply in the river's catchment area," says René Schuster, author of the paper.

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Environmental associations win in court: Jänschwalde opencast lignite mine must be stopped


  • Deutsche Umwelthilfe and GRÜNE LIGA successful with urgent application against main operating plan before Cottbus Administrative Court
  • For years, operator LEAG has been pumping out drastically more groundwater than permitted by water law.
  • Opencast mining must be stopped by 15 May
  • DUH and GRÜNE LIGA demand that the missing recultivation concept be submitted without delay.

Berlin/Cottbus, 17.03.2022: Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) and GRÜNE LIGA have succeeded in stopping the Jänschwalde opencast lignite mine in court. The Cottbus Administrative Court today ruled in favour of the environmental organisations and suspended the main operating plan for the open-cast lignite mine. The reason is that for years the open-cast mining company LEAG has been pumping out drastically more groundwater than permitted by the water law. The amount is now many times the permitted annual volume. The court grants LEAG a time buffer of almost two months until 14 May to take the necessary safety measures to stop opencast mining. From 15 May, the excavators must then be at a standstill.

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Save the Date: Environmental Festival 2022 on 12nd, June in Berlin


The 27th ENVIRONMENT FESTIVAL will once again take place in front of the Brandenburg Gate on Sunday, 12 June 2022 from 11 am to 7 pm. The GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. is looking forward to many visitors, committed and diverse exhibitors, entertaining live stages and many sustainable actions. This year's ENVIRONMENT FESTIVAL is dedicated to the elixir of life: water.



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Water Newsletter

Always up to date on the topic of water protection with the Wasserblatt. With short news items and an extensive nationwide list of events, the Water Bulletin of the Green League provides monthly information on current events in the water sector. Subscribe free of charge to the water bulletin distribution list at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and receive the water bulletin with the latest news by e-mail every month.
You can find more information about our info distributors here.


All issues of the Water Newsletter 2022:

Water Newsletter May 2022 (pdf 1,6MB)

Water Newsletter April 2022 (pdf 379 KB)

Water Newsletter March 2022 (pdf 642 KB)

Water Newsletter February 2022 (pdf 550 KB)
Water Newsletter January 2022 (pdf 319 KB)

All issues of the Water Newsletter 2021:
Water Newsletter December 2021 (pdf 2,3 MB)


The GRÜNE LIGA Federal Contact Point Water has been a member of the EEB's Water Working Group for over 20 years and is a founding member of both the Water Working Group of the Forum Environment and Development and the "Living Lakes Germany" network.



Michael Bender represents the GRÜNE LIGA as an observer at the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (IKSE).




LogoStiftungLivingRivers.pngIn 2021, the cooperation between the GRÜNE LIGA and the Living Rivers Foundation was intensified and a joint office was established at the federal association.



Together with the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin, we were active in the Aktionsnetz Kleingewässer Berlin, in 2022.









Logo_WN-2.jpgSince January 2023, the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. is partner in the pilot project Wassernetz Berlin. We will organise 24 dialogues at water over 3 years (around 8 per year) to raise awareness of the public on the issues faced by water bodies and offer training in their management (biodiversity, physical and chemical status, etc.), as well as helping our partners in the project to prepare for the enhancement and restoration measures that will be implemented in the framework of this pilot project. You can find the schedule of dialogs on our events page.





On the European level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also member of the European Water Movement. The EWM aims at reinforcing the recognition of water as a commons and as a fundamental universal right.





On a global level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also involved in the People's Water Forum, a coordinating space for Water Justice Movements around the world.





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