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Jetzt Fördermitglied der GRÜNEN LIGA werden!


We have been active for many years in water protection together with other associations and initiatives.


#RestoreNature Campaign: for an ambitious Nature Restoration Law


The new Nature Restoration Law proposed by the European Commission in June 2022, aimed at restoring ecosystems for people, climate and planet, will be put to a vote in the ENVI Committee in May 2023. In June 2023, the European Parliament will hold its plenary vote (mid-June).


In this context, the GRÜNE LIGA supports EEB's #RestoreNature campaign, which is pushing for the adoption of an ambitious law.


This law is fundamental to establish a governance framework in order to restore ecosystems that are particularly at risk, in order to increase climate change adaptation, ensure food security and the well-being of humankind and all forms of life on our planet. 


Member States will have to develop National Restoration Plans, including both area-based restoration targets and indicator-based restoration targets. This should allow for the establishment of an integrated approach to restoration on the European level.


 (The Havel River in Germany)


The main overarching objectives are the following:

  • at least 20% of land- and sea-areas' restoration targets by 2030
  • by 2050: having measures in place for ALL ecosystems in need of restoration

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Results of the Network Meeting Living Lakes Germany, the Lakes Conference 2023 and the foundation of the Water Network Berlin (18.-20.01.2023)






Between 18 and 20 January 2023, the annual meeting of the Living Lakes Network Germany and the Lakes Conference took place in Berlin, which had not been held for several years due to the pandemic.


The Living Rivers Foundation, Global Nature Fund (GNF), the GRÜNE LIGA and Living Lakes Germany were pleased to be able to bring together over 120 participants over three days.


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100+ NGOs write to EU negotiators asking them to protect Europe’s rivers from new hydropower deployment in the revised Renewable Energy directive: Open Letter



Open letter: Counting on new hydropower to accelerate Renewable Energy deployment in Europe is irresponsible. 


The EEB (European Environmental Bureau), Bird Life International, the EEA (the European Anglers Alliance), Wetlands International and WWF have published an open letter, this Monday 6 February 2023, asking for more regulations of hydropower development. The open letter is signed by more than 100 NGOs across Europe.

Among others, we ask for:

  • At least retain the new article 29b on sustainability criteria for hydropower proposed by the European Parliament (RED III), as it recognises that hydropower has direct impacts on freshwater ecosystems which must be mitigated. 
  • Ask Member States to exclude new hydropower plants from go-to areas (RED IV), as the Council’s general approach from 21 December on REPowerEU, which only gives Member States the option to exclude new hydropower plants from go-to areas, does not go far enough. 


Discover the entire open letter of the European NGOs here (in English): Open letter: Counting on new hydropower to accelerate Renewable Energy deployment in Europe is irresponsible. 


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1st Main Riverfilmfest (14.-26.03.2023)


In 2023, a river film festival is to take place on the Main for the very first time. And not just in one city, but in several cinemas along the course of the river from its source to its mouth. In this way, it will become clear that the Main River connects people over 500 km and is our common responsibility.


The 1st Main FlussFilmFest will be organised in March 2023 by Flussparadies Franken e.V. and Netzwerk Main in cooperation with the Living Rivers Foundation and other partners. It is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs. The opening will take place on 14 March, the International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life (World Dam Day) in Bayreuth. The final event will be a matinee in Frankfurt am Main on 26 March. An international selection of environmental and outdoor short films will be shown.


The trailer of the Main Flussfilmfest 2023 is available here: www.living-rivers.eu/en/events-1/1st-main-riverfilmfest


The events will take place on:

  • Tuesday, 14 March at franz & gloria– Bayreuth
  • Wednesday, 15 March at Neuen Filmbühne– Lichtenfels
  • Friday, 17 March at Odeon/Lichtspiel– Bamberg
  • Friday, 17 March at Roxy– Kitzingen
  • Saturday, 18 March at Central im Bürgerbräu– Würzburg
  • Saturday, 18 March at Film-Photo-Ton Museum Huttenschloss - Gemünden a.Main
  • Sunday, 19 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
  • Sunday, 19 March at KuK – Kino & Kneipe– Schweinfurt
  • Sunday, 19 March at Burg-Lichtspiele - Karlstadt
  • Monday, 20 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
  • Thursday, 23 March at Movie im Luitpoldhaus– Marktheidenfeld
  • Thursday, 23 March at Filmklubb– Offenbach
  • Thursday, 23 March at Schloß-Theater - Miltenberg
  • Saturday, 25 March at Casino Filmtheater– Aschaffenburg
  • Sunday, 26 March at Harmonie– Frankfurt a. Main 

Let's celebrate free rivers, clean water and freshwater life! More about the programmes and venues coming soon on : https://www.riverfilmfest.eu and www.mainflussfilmfest.de
and: https://www.facebook.com/Maininitiative/
and: https://www.instagram.com/netzwerk.main/?hl=de> 


Water Newsletter

Always up to date on the topic of water protection with the Wasserblatt. With short news items and an extensive nationwide list of events, the Water Bulletin of the Green League provides monthly information on current events in the water sector. Subscribe free of charge to the water bulletin distribution list at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and receive the water bulletin with the latest news by e-mail every month.
You can find more information about our info distributors here.


All issues of the Water Newsletter 2022:

Water Newsletter May 2022 (pdf 1,6MB)

Water Newsletter April 2022 (pdf 379 KB)

Water Newsletter March 2022 (pdf 642 KB)

Water Newsletter February 2022 (pdf 550 KB)
Water Newsletter January 2022 (pdf 319 KB)

All issues of the Water Newsletter 2021:
Water Newsletter December 2021 (pdf 2,3 MB)


The GRÜNE LIGA Federal Contact Point Water has been a member of the EEB's Water Working Group for over 20 years and is a founding member of both the Water Working Group of the Forum Environment and Development and the "Living Lakes Germany" network.



Michael Bender represents the GRÜNE LIGA as an observer at the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (IKSE).




LogoStiftungLivingRivers.pngIn 2021, the cooperation between the GRÜNE LIGA and the Living Rivers Foundation was intensified and a joint office was established at the federal association.



Together with the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin, we were active in the Aktionsnetz Kleingewässer Berlin, in 2022.









Logo_WN-2.jpgSince January 2023, the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. is partner in the pilot project Wassernetz Berlin. We will organise 24 dialogues at water over 3 years (around 8 per year) to raise awareness of the public on the issues faced by water bodies and offer training in their management (biodiversity, physical and chemical status, etc.), as well as helping our partners in the project to prepare for the enhancement and restoration measures that will be implemented in the framework of this pilot project. You can find the schedule of dialogs on our events page.





On the European level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also member of the European Water Movement. The EWM aims at reinforcing the recognition of water as a commons and as a fundamental universal right.





On a global level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also involved in the People's Water Forum, a coordinating space for Water Justice Movements around the world.






Die Tour de Natur 2024
20 July 2024
Naturmarkt Tharandter Wald
20 July 2024
09:00 - 13:00
20 July 2024
20:30 - 22:30
Rund um Dorfhain
21 July 2024
09:30 - 13:00
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