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Position Paper: "Water for Life"

On the occasion of the Bonn2011 conference "The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus - Solutions for the Green Economy", the GRÜNE LIGA published the 12-page brochure "Water for Life", which addresses key international challenges such as the human right to water and sanitation, European river basin management and international dam plans. The position paper was produced in cooperation with Forum Environment and Development, Global Nature Fund, infoe, Lake Constance Foundation, Netzwerk unser Wasser and International Rivers. For the realisation of the German edition (February 2011), Deutsche Umwelthilfe and Netzwerk Lebendige Seen Deutschland could also be won as cooperation partners.

positionspapier_water_for_life_103x145-equal.jpgThe position paper can be downloaded here (pdf 1.02 MB).


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