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Position paper on the Nitrates Directive submitted to the European Commission

TraktorIn March 2024, the GRÜNE LIGA submitted a position paper to the European Commission as part of the Commission’s public consultation on the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC). The GRÜNE LIGA strongly advocates for the European Commission to uphold the Nitrates Directive. This crucial piece of legislation is needed to protect European citizens, farmers, and economies from the harmful effects of nitrate pollution.

The intensification of agriculture, driven by unsustainable use of fertilisers, has led to widespread nutrient pollution, affecting over 30% of surface waters, 14% of groundwater, and 80% of marine waters in the EU. Livestock production contributes to more than 80% of nitrogen emissions in groundwater, in particular through the excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilisers for feed.

The Nitrates Directive aims to protect water quality across the EU by reducing water pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources and promoting the use of good agricultural practices.

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Demonstration on 22. March 2024 for World Water Day

WasserZeichenBerlin2024The importance of water for our life on Earth is undisputed. It nourishes us, cools us, rejuvenates us. In Berlin, the water supply system is currently in crisis. To draw attention to the urgent problems and to emphasize the need for binding solutions, our Water Policy Office, GRÜNE LIGA Berlin and the initiative "WasserZeichenBerlin" calls for a demonstration on the occasion of World Water Day on 22. March 2024.

Our demands:

1. consistent water retention and effective protection of our water bodies;

2. improved protection and enhancement of natural habitats in and around water bodies

3. binding measures against the drying out of small bodies of water and the lowering of the groundwater level;

4. community-oriented revitalization of urban water bodies and shoreline areas;

5. promotion of environmental education programs and campains;

6. introduction of innovative recycling methods for sustainable water use.

The route starts from the main train station along the banks of the River Spree to Lustgarten on Museum Island. The march will be accompanied by two boats. A mid-rally is planned at Friedrich-Ebert-Platz, very close to the memorial site "Weiße Kreuze."

Further information in German language about WasserZeichenBerlin 2024: https://www.allesimfluss.berlin/wasserzeichenberlin

The GRÜNE LIGA e.V. supports the #RestoreNature Campaign

We call for the following key points of the Nature Restoration Law to be secured:

  • Agree quantifiable, time-bound and binding targets for all marine and terrestrial habitats within and outside the Natura2000 setting,
  • to secure a prohibition of degradation for these ecosystems,
  • provide for the restoration of farmed habitats, including the rewetting of peatlands,
  • establish valid indicators for forests,
  • agree workable targets for the marine environment so that the EU Common Fisheries Policy no longer blocks the recovery of marine habitats,
  • ensure public participation and access to justice; and
  • provide for the immediate entry into force of the EU regulation.

The joint statement can be found at:

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Dialogue + CleanUp at the Landwehrkanal

Dialogue + Cleanup at the Landwehrkanal 

Wednesday, 12 Juli 2023


Meeting point: 17:00 Uhr at Urbanhafen on the field in front of the boat restaurant "Van Loon" 

Duration: 17:00 - 21:00


On Wednesday, 12 July, we will join you in cleaning the Landwehrkanal of plastic and other rubbish. We will start at 5 pm.

The Landwehrkanal is an important recreational area for the people of Berlin. Unfortunately, a high number of visitors also means pollution of all kinds. From disposable plastic packaging to bottles and cigarette butts, the water and wildlife of the Landwehrkanal are severely affected by litter and plastic pollution.

In order to raise awareness among users and give the canal back its charm, the Clean River Project e.V. and the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. in cooperation with the Wassernetz Berlin invite you to a kayak cleanup and discussion.

We will provide rubbish collection equipment and at least 20 boat places. If you are not able to participate at short notice, please contact us so that the space can be reallocated. If you have your own boat or SUP, you can of course simply bring it along. All those who prefer solid ground under their feet are welcome to join in on land.

A former researcher from the IGB Berlin, Christine Beusch, will be present to discuss the risks of nicotine pollution for water bodies and organisms in more detail.

Please register here to reserve a boat place.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Bender This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Franziska Braunschädel This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


German Directives and Laws


















Law on the Environmental Compatibility of Detergents and Cleaning Agents (WRMG)



Ordinance on Installations for Handling Substances Hazardous to Water (AwSV)











Water Newsletter

Always up to date on the topic of water protection with the Wasserblatt. With short news items and an extensive nationwide list of events, the Water Bulletin of the Green League provides monthly information on current events in the water sector. Subscribe free of charge to the water bulletin distribution list at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and receive the water bulletin with the latest news by e-mail every month.
You can find more information about our info distributors here.


All issues of the Water Newsletter 2022:

Water Newsletter May 2022 (pdf 1,6MB)

Water Newsletter April 2022 (pdf 379 KB)

Water Newsletter March 2022 (pdf 642 KB)

Water Newsletter February 2022 (pdf 550 KB)
Water Newsletter January 2022 (pdf 319 KB)

All issues of the Water Newsletter 2021:
Water Newsletter December 2021 (pdf 2,3 MB)


The GRÜNE LIGA Federal Contact Point Water has been a member of the EEB's Water Working Group for over 20 years and is a founding member of both the Water Working Group of the Forum Environment and Development and the "Living Lakes Germany" network.



Michael Bender represents the GRÜNE LIGA as an observer at the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (IKSE).




LogoStiftungLivingRivers.pngIn 2021, the cooperation between the GRÜNE LIGA and the Living Rivers Foundation was intensified and a joint office was established at the federal association.



Together with the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin, we were active in the Aktionsnetz Kleingewässer Berlin, in 2022.









Logo_WN-2.jpgSince January 2023, the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. is partner in the pilot project Wassernetz Berlin. We will organise 24 dialogues at water over 3 years (around 8 per year) to raise awareness of the public on the issues faced by water bodies and offer training in their management (biodiversity, physical and chemical status, etc.), as well as helping our partners in the project to prepare for the enhancement and restoration measures that will be implemented in the framework of this pilot project. You can find the schedule of dialogs on our events page.





On the European level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also member of the European Water Movement. The EWM aims at reinforcing the recognition of water as a commons and as a fundamental universal right.





On a global level, the GRÜNE LIGA e.V. is also involved in the People's Water Forum, a coordinating space for Water Justice Movements around the world.






Solarcamp im Osterzgebirge
16 September 2024
Ökomarkt am Kollwitzplatz
19 September 2024
12:00 - 19:00
Kollwitzplatz, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Globaler Klimastreik
20 September 2024
Geführte Wanderung Geisingberg
20 September 2024
14:00 - 16:30
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