Handreichung veröffentlicht mit Anregungen und Tipps für Untermiete, Umbau und gemeinschaftliches Wohnen
Dieser Wald ist der Kohlegrube im Weg
Wir vernetzen Initiativen gegen den Raubbau an oberflächennahen Rohstoffen
Europas letzte wilde Flüsse retten!
Online-Petition für ein besseres Bergrecht
Jetzt Fördermitglied der GRÜNEN LIGA werden!

This is us!

In 1990, environmental activists founded the GRÜNE LIGA (transl. = green league) - Network of Ecological Movements. The GRÜNE LIGA has its roots in the ecclesiastical environmental and peace groups, urban ecology groups as well as many local nature and environment protection initiatives of the GDR. The GRÜNE LIGA is a recognized nature and environmental protection association in Germany.The limits of growth have been pointed out for decades yet, the orientation towards growth of our industrial society continues unabated. When formulating its principles in the early 1990s, the GRÜNE LIGA identified these social and ecological problems and has been leading the discourse on these issues ever since.

For us, protecting nature goes beyond mere conservation of nature and the environment. When we talk about ecology, we also include discussions about economic and financial structures, actively promote implementing and living utopias and address social issues while working for peace.

Our motto is: generating visions – building networks - inspiring action.


LUX Award-Filmvorführung
30 January 2025
17:00 - 23:00
Filmpremiere „High noon – Europa im Energierausch“
10 February 2025
18:30 -
14 February 2025
08:00 -
02 March 2025
08:00 - 17:00
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