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#RestoreNature Campaign: for an ambitious Nature Restoration Law


The new Nature Restoration Law proposed by the European Commission in June 2022, aimed at restoring ecosystems for people, climate and planet, will be put to a vote in the ENVI Committee in May 2023. In June 2023, the European Parliament will hold its plenary vote (mid-June).


In this context, the GRÜNE LIGA supports EEB's #RestoreNature campaign, which is pushing for the adoption of an ambitious law.


This law is fundamental to establish a governance framework in order to restore ecosystems that are particularly at risk, in order to increase climate change adaptation, ensure food security and the well-being of humankind and all forms of life on our planet. 


Member States will have to develop National Restoration Plans, including both area-based restoration targets and indicator-based restoration targets. This should allow for the establishment of an integrated approach to restoration on the European level.


 (The Havel River in Germany)


The main overarching objectives are the following:

  • at least 20% of land- and sea-areas' restoration targets by 2030
  • by 2050: having measures in place for ALL ecosystems in need of restoration

The restoration targets are divided into the following categories:

  • protected habitats types, defined under the Annex I of the Habitats Directive
  • habitats of protected species, under the Birds and Habitats Directive
  • Marine habitats, going beyond the Habitats Directive
  • Urban ecosystems, among others with the establishment of blue-green infrastructures 
  • River connectivity: removing barriers to achieve the "free-flowing" status of at least 25,000 kms of rivers by 2030 (EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030)
  • Pollinators
  • Agro-ecosystems
  • Forest ecosystems


Despite some key positive elements, such as the 20% EU objective for effective and area-based restoration measures or the peatland restoration targets under the agricultural section of the NRL, some others have to be improved:

  • Fair and effective Member States' contribution to the 20% objective (clear and enforceable)
  • Increase the ambition level of area-based restoration targets (implement bulk by 2040)
  • Implementable marine targets (inconsistency with fish policy i.e.)
  • Time-bound % targets river restoration: timeline missing, focus on the free-flowing aspect has to be better addressed 
  • Integrate 10% landscape features’ objective (small pools, etc.)
  • Full rewetting of drained peatlands
  • Floodplains’ targets must be strengthened 
  • Public participation in national restoration plans (accountability)
  • Solid provisions for implementation, incl. sufficient funding

On this topic, the Proposal for a regulation on nature restoration, co-written by BirdLife International, ClientEarth, the EEB and WWF in August 2022 provides more details.



To engage yourself or your organisation in the #RestoreNature Campaign and to receive updates, please sign up to the mailing list under this link: Mailing List #RestoreNature 



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