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1st Main Riverfilmfest (14.-26.03.2023)


In 2023, a river film festival is to take place on the Main for the very first time. And not just in one city, but in several cinemas along the course of the river from its source to its mouth. In this way, it will become clear that the Main River connects people over 500 km and is our common responsibility.


The 1st Main FlussFilmFest will be organised in March 2023 by Flussparadies Franken e.V. and Netzwerk Main in cooperation with the Living Rivers Foundation and other partners. It is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs. The opening will take place on 14 March, the International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life (World Dam Day) in Bayreuth. The final event will be a matinee in Frankfurt am Main on 26 March. An international selection of environmental and outdoor short films will be shown.


The trailer of the Main Flussfilmfest 2023 is available here: www.living-rivers.eu/en/events-1/1st-main-riverfilmfest


The events will take place on:

  • Tuesday, 14 March at franz & gloria– Bayreuth
  • Wednesday, 15 March at Neuen Filmbühne– Lichtenfels
  • Friday, 17 March at Odeon/Lichtspiel– Bamberg
  • Friday, 17 March at Roxy– Kitzingen
  • Saturday, 18 March at Central im Bürgerbräu– Würzburg
  • Saturday, 18 March at Film-Photo-Ton Museum Huttenschloss - Gemünden a.Main
  • Sunday, 19 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
  • Sunday, 19 March at KuK – Kino & Kneipe– Schweinfurt
  • Sunday, 19 March at Burg-Lichtspiele - Karlstadt
  • Monday, 20 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
  • Thursday, 23 March at Movie im Luitpoldhaus– Marktheidenfeld
  • Thursday, 23 March at Filmklubb– Offenbach
  • Thursday, 23 March at Schloß-Theater - Miltenberg
  • Saturday, 25 March at Casino Filmtheater– Aschaffenburg
  • Sunday, 26 March at Harmonie– Frankfurt a. Main 

Let's celebrate free rivers, clean water and freshwater life! More about the programmes and venues coming soon on : https://www.riverfilmfest.eu and www.mainflussfilmfest.de
and: https://www.facebook.com/Maininitiative/
and: https://www.instagram.com/netzwerk.main/?hl=de> 


Die Tour de Natur 2024
20 July 2024
Naturmarkt Tharandter Wald
20 July 2024
09:00 - 13:00
20 July 2024
20:30 - 22:30
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09:30 - 13:00
You are here: Home WATER Events World Water Day 2023 - Watermark Demo Monbijouplatz, 22.03.2023, 5pm