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1st Dialogue at the Packereigraben - Wassernetz Berlin

Dialogue at the Packereigraben, Berlin-Reinickendorf

Tuesday, 12 April 2023

Meeting point: 10 am S-Bf. Waidmannslust | Duration: 10 am - 1 pm




The report from the dialogue at Packereigraben is available here (in German)(PDF 935 KB).


We are back at the Packereigraben. What has happened so far? At our first dialogue event in summer and autumn 2022, we got a picture of the watercourse, provided information on watercourse assessment procedures and implemented the first planned enhancement measures. We installed flow deflectors and gravel to create habitats for small fish and insects, for example. In addition, we removed Japanese knotweed from the banks and planted black alder, a native and water-typical tree species.


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World Water Day 2023 - Watermark Demo Monbijouplatz, 22.03.2023, 5pm



World Water Day demonstration

~ For water purification, water conservation and water justice ~ 
When: 22 March 2023, 5:00 p.m.
Starting point: Monbijouplatz, 10178 Berlin
End point: Fluss Bad Garten, Sperlingsgasse corner Friedrichsgracht, 10178 Berlin.


We all love water. We all need water. And we all care about water. On the occasion of World Water Day and the opening of the United Nations Water Conference on 22 March, we are making a collective statement for the protection of our natural resources, the responsible use of the element of water, the cleaning and keeping clean of our natural waters, the rediscovery of our rivers as axes of life and development and the creation of equitable access to the common good of water.

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Dialogue at the Ecomarket - Wassernetz Berlin

Screenshot_2023-03-06_at_16.08.46.pngThe GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V., together with a tip: tap, will present their activities in the context of the newly founded and cross-association Wassernetz Berlin at the Ökomarkt on Kollwitzplatz on 9 March 2023 (12-17 h). Here in the catchment area of the Stadtspree, we would also like to get into conversation with people interested in water bodies on the question of what can be done for water retention and rain infiltration in the neighbourhood.

The pilot project Wassernetz Berlin, financed by the LOTTO Foundation Berlin, was launched in Berlin on 20 January 2023. The aim of the project is, among other things, to present and support measures for the protection and ecological upgrading of watercourses and lakes in Berlin and to implement them on 19 watercourses themselves in order to preserve and restore the natural biodiversity of our watercourses, also in order to realise the goal of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) of achieving a "good ecological status of all watercourses in Europe".

To raise awareness and provide the general public with understanding tools, we and other partners in the Water Network organise dialogue events on this topic.
Discover more about the Water Network here: www.wassernetz-berlin.de

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Results of the Network Meeting Living Lakes Germany, the Lakes Conference 2023 and the foundation of the Water Network Berlin (18.-20.01.2023)






Between 18 and 20 January 2023, the annual meeting of the Living Lakes Network Germany and the Lakes Conference took place in Berlin, which had not been held for several years due to the pandemic.


The Living Rivers Foundation, Global Nature Fund (GNF), the GRÜNE LIGA and Living Lakes Germany were pleased to be able to bring together over 120 participants over three days.


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1st Main Riverfilmfest (14.-26.03.2023)


In 2023, a river film festival is to take place on the Main for the very first time. And not just in one city, but in several cinemas along the course of the river from its source to its mouth. In this way, it will become clear that the Main River connects people over 500 km and is our common responsibility.


The 1st Main FlussFilmFest will be organised in March 2023 by Flussparadies Franken e.V. and Netzwerk Main in cooperation with the Living Rivers Foundation and other partners. It is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs. The opening will take place on 14 March, the International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life (World Dam Day) in Bayreuth. The final event will be a matinee in Frankfurt am Main on 26 March. An international selection of environmental and outdoor short films will be shown.


The trailer of the Main Flussfilmfest 2023 is available here: www.living-rivers.eu/en/events-1/1st-main-riverfilmfest


The events will take place on:

  • Tuesday, 14 March at franz & gloria– Bayreuth
  • Wednesday, 15 March at Neuen Filmbühne– Lichtenfels
  • Friday, 17 March at Odeon/Lichtspiel– Bamberg
  • Friday, 17 March at Roxy– Kitzingen
  • Saturday, 18 March at Central im Bürgerbräu– Würzburg
  • Saturday, 18 March at Film-Photo-Ton Museum Huttenschloss - Gemünden a.Main
  • Sunday, 19 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
  • Sunday, 19 March at KuK – Kino & Kneipe– Schweinfurt
  • Sunday, 19 March at Burg-Lichtspiele - Karlstadt
  • Monday, 20 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
  • Thursday, 23 March at Movie im Luitpoldhaus– Marktheidenfeld
  • Thursday, 23 March at Filmklubb– Offenbach
  • Thursday, 23 March at Schloß-Theater - Miltenberg
  • Saturday, 25 March at Casino Filmtheater– Aschaffenburg
  • Sunday, 26 March at Harmonie– Frankfurt a. Main 

Let's celebrate free rivers, clean water and freshwater life! More about the programmes and venues coming soon on : https://www.riverfilmfest.eu and www.mainflussfilmfest.de
and: https://www.facebook.com/Maininitiative/
and: https://www.instagram.com/netzwerk.main/?hl=de> 

You are here: Home WATER Events Dialogue in the framework of the Umweltfestival - Wassernetz Berlin