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Movie evening: "Vjosa National Park – a new age of river protection?"

12966e1a9931b1281b2be0434eb01860.PAT_VJOSA_EVENT_BERLIN_1080x1080_.jpgThursday, November 03

7:30pm CET


Paneltalk & Movie Screening

In Albania and all around Europe citizens have raised their voices to protect Europe’s largest wild river—the Vjosa. This year Albania's government listened, and promised to establish a national park to protect the Vjosa forever.

We talk with Besjana Guri from EcoAlbania about the campaign success and the progress towards establishing the Vjosa National Park. Being a member of the national park working group in Albania we are excited to hear directly from her here in Berlin.

For additional impressions Matthias Leupold & Eric Berg present their short movie "In the Name of Vjosa". And Living Rivers Foundation shares insights on river conservation in Germany.

Details TBA 

This event will be held in English.

We have limited capacities - please sign up under this link: https://vjosanationalpark.splashthat.com.


Patagonia Berlin

Münzstraße 10

10178 Berlin


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