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Implement the Water Framework Directive at last!

Associations hand over catalogue of demands to politicians



The EU Water Framework Directive must be implemented by 2027. So far, politicians in Berlin and Brandenburg have done too little to achieve this. More commitment and financial resources are needed for water protection. Environmental associations presented their demands today.

 So far, 17 associations are involved in the Berlin-Brandenburg Water Network Initiative for the protection of water bodies and thus also clean drinking water.


So far, Berlin and Brandenburg politicians have not done enough to protect water bodies. The responsible environmental authorities have not had enough money and staff for a long time. Citizens interested in biodiversity protection and those active in nature conservation have virtually no opportunity to have a say when it comes to the waters on their doorstep. Furthermore, there is no apparent will to hold the biggest polluters of water bodies (agriculture, energy, transport and construction industries) accountable. 21 years after the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) came into force, not a single watercourse in Brandenburg is in a very good ecological condition. 94% of our reportable watercourses are in moderate to poor condition. Groundwater and peatlands remain at risk, as they are themselves increasingly at the mercy of climate change and are unable to mitigate its harmful effects. If the quantity and quality related WFD requirements are not met, drinking water supplies will be in serious jeopardy in the coming years due to falling groundwater levels and pollution. The dramatic extinction of species continues. For this reason, a broad alliance of nature conservation associations from Berlin and Brandenburg and other organisations, which have joined forces this year to form a Water Network Initiative, is calling for the consistent implementation of the WFD. To this end, the initiative has formulated joint demands, which are specified on the basis of 7 fields of action for Berlin and 11 for the state of Brandenburg. The politicians of both federal states must not shirk their responsibility. They must develop appropriate measures NOW and create the financial and personnel conditions instead of further aggravating the water and biodiversity crisis and later having to argue against infringement proceedings at great expense.


First published on 10.08.2021.

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