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International call against the expansion of the Oder: GRÜNE LIGA warns of unacceptable damages to ecosystems


The GRÜNE LIGA supports the wide appeal of scientists, environmental associations, social movements and political parties in Poland and Germany against the expansion of the Oder river. In the international appeal, the signatories demand that the cross-border expansion projects on the Oder and the Klützer Querfahrt (Polish: "Przekop Klucz-Ustowo") be stopped and that people and the environment be protected from the destructive effects of the expansion. The appeal is addressed to the governments of Germany and Poland, the EU Commission, the lending World Bank and the European Council Development Bank to stop these unlawful plans and to take ambitious steps to preserve and protect the natural landscapes and ecosystems along the Oder River in full compliance with EU law.


"The expansion plans for the Oder would lead to unacceptable damage to ecosystems, which will be exacerbated by the ongoing climate crisis," says Michael Ganschow, Executive Director of the GRÜNE LIGA Brandenburg. The projects violate European environmental law and will have significant impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.

Michael Bender of the Federal Contact Point Water of the GRÜNE LIGA points out that the controversial expansion of the Oder would endanger natural landscapes that are habitats for valuable and protected species. This applies to the habitat types protected by the EU Flora Fauna Habitat Directive in the numerous Natura 2000 sites along the Oder and especially to the natural features of the "Lower Oder Valley National Park".

"At European level, too, the GRÜNE LIGA advocates the protection of the river deltas with their particularly valuable natural habitats," adds Michael Bender.


Appeal against the expansion of the Oder: https://www.grueneliga.de/images/Joint_Declaration.pdf


First published on 22.03.2021.


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