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Dialogue event in the Fluss Bad Garden - Wassernetz Berlin
Thursday, 04 May 2023,  7:00 -  8:30
Hits : 598

Dialogue in the Fluss Bad Garden am Spreekanal, Berlin-Mitte

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Time: 19-20:30 | Place: Sperlingsgasse 1, 10178 Berlin


The Wassernetz Berlin as Guest in the Fluss Bad Garden

The European legal framework contains relevant requirements for water protection, but their implementation in Berlin is progressing only slowly. How can we counteract the further degradation of aquatic habitats in Berlin and what opportunities for practical civic engagement are offered by Wassernetz Berlin, which was founded in January this year, especially in the catchment area of the Stadtspree?

Representatives of the Wassernetz Berlin will discuss this in the Fluss Bad Garden at the Spree Canal, moderated by Michael Bender (GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V.) and a representative of Fluss Bad Berlin.

The Fluss Bad Garden is the information and exchange platform of Fluss Bad Berlin. The project is about future-oriented urban development, a better way of dealing with nature in the city and the reclamation or preservation of a non-commercial place of recreation and encounter for the urban society.

Registration at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Picture credits: Espen Eichhöfer | Agentur Ostkreuz, by courtesy of Flussbad Berlin e.V.


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