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CO2ole Talks - Education Series for Sustainable Events #4 Best Practice Examples - How to do it!
Tuesday, 03 May 2022,  4:00 -  5:30
Hits : 514

Climate neutrality, sustainability and resource conservation are important topics for the coming event and festival season. More and more organisers are addressing these issues or taking measures to reduce the ecological footprint of their events. As part of the project "Co2ole Märkte fürs Klima - Die Nachhaltigkeitstour für klimaschonende und nachhaltige Veranstaltungskonzepte" (Co2ol markets for the climate - the sustainability tour for climate-friendly and sustainable event concepts), the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin invites you to six talks to discuss important topics of climate-friendly and sustainable event planning. The fourth talk on 03.05.2022 will deal with the topic #4 Best practice examples - this is how it works! We have the following guests in the programme: Milena Blandon (Das NORDEN Festival als Möglichkeitsraum für Nachhaltigkeit) Wiebke Niemiec and Stefanie Mieth (Neukölln Nachhaltig - Das Fest) other guests: N.N. We look forward to receiving numerous registrations (name, institution and e-mail) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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