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Brandenbourg: Climate change and species extinction make a rapid rethink and courageous action necessary for the conversion of our forests

Jaeger_lizenzfrei_394x296-equal.jpgThe alliance of associations "For a modern hunting and forestry law" calls for an ambitious turnaround in hunting and therefore welcomes the draft amendment to the Brandenburg Hunting Law.

The Brandenburg alliance of associations "For a modern hunting and forestry law", consisting of ÖJV, ANW, Waldbauernverband, BUND, Grüne Liga, NaturFreunden and NABU, today submits its joint statement on the draft of the new hunting law in Brandenburg presented by the state government on 4 March. The associations agree that this draft represents an urgently needed paradigm shift and thus opens the way to a sustainable, socially broadly accepted hunting system that not only brings forests and game into good coexistence.

The necessity for such a hunting turnaround has been known for a long time. The scientific advisory board of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, for example, noted this in its report "Cornerstones of the Forest Strategy 2050" in 2020 and recognised the change in hunting laws as an essential step with which forest owners must be given the opportunity to adjust the game stocks in their forests in such a way that the regeneration of all tree species is possible even without browsing protection measures. This admonition of science is now finally being heard in Brandenburg.

Eckhard Fuhr, deputy chairman of the Ecological Hunting Association Brandenburg-Berlin (ÖJV) explains: "There are three important guiding ideas behind this reorientation of hunting in Brandenburg. These are the strengthening of the owners by drastically reducing the minimum size for proprietary hunts, a far-reaching de-bureaucratisation of hunting by abolishing all shooting plans and the strengthening of animal protection."

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Announcement August 2022: "Tour de Natur" on the road this year in the Rhine region, the Middle Rhine and Frankfurt/Hanau

ausfahrt_wesertunnel_1_stefan_foerster_datenreduziert_p7290471_400x300-equal.jpgTour de Natur" wants to offer a cycling tour again this summer. The route will lead from the Rhenish lignite mining area via the Middle Rhine to Frankfurt/Hanau. The cyclists are expected to be on the road from 2 to 13 August 2022. The planning is still in its infancy. People from the region who would like to support this year's tour can contact the organisation using the form below.

In August 1991, Frank Tober of the Suhl district branch of the Green League initiated the first bicycle protest action against the Thuringian Forest Motorway at short notice. The 30 or so participants wanted to draw the public's attention to the ecological and social consequences of the new motorway construction and discuss environmentally compatible solutions. The cyclists stayed overnight in gardens and catered for themselves. Already at the second edition in summer 1992, three times as many people took part.

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Building the right way: Resource conservation and resilience



26 MARCH 2022, 10:00 - 12:30 H


The environmental network GRÜNE LIGA invites you to an online event on the resource consumption of the building industry on Saturday, 26 March 2022. It is not only the 400,000 new flats per year announced in the coalition agreement of the new federal government that make us look with concern at the resource consumption of the building industry. We will therefore discuss this with Ulrich Steinmeyer from Bauwende e.V. and Stephan Kühn, mayor of the city of Dresden and previously a member of the Bundestag for many years.


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Environmental associations win in court: Jänschwalde opencast lignite mine must be stopped


  • Deutsche Umwelthilfe and GRÜNE LIGA successful with urgent application against main operating plan before Cottbus Administrative Court
  • For years, operator LEAG has been pumping out drastically more groundwater than permitted by water law.
  • Opencast mining must be stopped by 15 May
  • DUH and GRÜNE LIGA demand that the missing recultivation concept be submitted without delay.

Berlin/Cottbus, 17.03.2022: Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) and GRÜNE LIGA have succeeded in stopping the Jänschwalde opencast lignite mine in court. The Cottbus Administrative Court today ruled in favour of the environmental organisations and suspended the main operating plan for the open-cast lignite mine. The reason is that for years the open-cast mining company LEAG has been pumping out drastically more groundwater than permitted by the water law. The amount is now many times the permitted annual volume. The court grants LEAG a time buffer of almost two months until 14 May to take the necessary safety measures to stop opencast mining. From 15 May, the excavators must then be at a standstill.

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Expert Working Groups - contacts for specific topics

GRÜNE LIGA addresses regional and national topics related to environmental protection but also beyond. To work on federal conservation policies, GRÜNE LIGA’ expert working groups are divided according to their expertise and field of work. These expert groups represent GRÜNE LIGA in public debates and coordinate and steward topics of their field within the association.

The status of Expert Working Group is assigned by the Annual Members Meeting.

The expert working groups have specific rules of procedure, which can be viewed here.

The following expert working groups are currently operating at GRÜNE LIGA:

  • Expert Working Group on Agro-Genetic Engineering
  • Expert Working Group on Lignite
  • Expert Working Group on Quarrying
  • Expert Working Group on International Policies
  • Expert Working Group on Sustainable Regional Development
  • Expert Working Group on Vegetable Oil
  • Expert Working Group on Water

Federal Working Group on Agro-Genetic Engineering

Coordination: Jens Heinze
c/o Umweltbildungshaus Johannishöhe
01737 Tharandt
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.sachsen-gentechnikfrei.de

Federal Working Group on Lignite

Coordination: René Schuster
Umweltgruppe Cottbus e.V.
Straße der Jugend 94
03046 Cottbus
Phone: 0151/14420487
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.kein-tagebau.de

Federal Working Group on Quarrying

Coordination: Uli Wieland
Am Lindenberg 21
07646 Rausdorf
Phone: 01522/196 05 31
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Federal Working Group on International Policies

Coordination: Annette Baumann
c/o GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V.
Prenzlauer Allee 8
10405 Berlin
Phone: 030/44 33 91-70
Fax: 030/44 33 91 75
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Federal Working Group on Sustainable Regional Development

Coordination: Tomas Brückmann
Greifswalder Straße 4
10405 Berlin
Phone: 030/204 47 45
Fax: 030/20 44 468
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Federal Working Group on Vegetable Oil

Coordination: Michel Matke
c/o Büro für Energieeffizienz
Kochstr. 20
04275 Leipzig
Phone: 0341/ 591 74 33
Fax: 0341/ 591 74 35
Cell: 0176/ 70 82 76 76
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Federal Working Group on Water

Coordination: Michael Bender
c/o Federal office of the GRÜNE LIGA e.V.
Greifswalder Straße 4
10405 Berlin
Phone: 030/40 39 35 30
Fax: 030/20 44 468
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.wrrl-info.de


Die Tour de Natur 2024
20 July 2024
RepairCafe Tharandt
24 July 2024
17:00 - 19:00
Ökomarkt am Kollwitzplatz
25 July 2024
12:00 - 19:00
Kollwitzplatz, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Natur-Stammtisch der Naturschutzstation Osterzgebirge in Altenberg: Bergwiesen-Themenwanderwege
25 July 2024
19:00 - 20:30
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