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Environmental researchers: Sharing living space helps against loneliness in old age - GRÜNE LIGA discussed energy and resource consumption at half-year meeting

Lebensraeume_altes-Haus_400x300-equal.jpgAt a half-year meeting in Dresden on Saturday, the environmental network GRÜNE LIGA looked at how energy consumption can be limited in the long term beyond the current crisis. At the meeting, representatives of member groups from Berlin, Brandenburg, Thuringia and Saxony discussed with several speakers.
Dr. Lars-Arvid Brischke from the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Heidelberg presented the results of the "Living Spaces" research project, which has been running for several years.

"In many owner-occupied housing estates in Germany, single-family and two-family houses are only occupied by one or two people, and often complete flats in two-family houses are empty. At the same time, many older people feel overwhelmed and lonely in such living situations. They would like to see downsizing, barrier-free design and a mixed-generation house community." Dr Brischke summarises the results of a survey conducted in the project.


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Success for the transport turnaround and the GRÜNE LIGA Thüringen: The "Werrabahn" route remains a dedicated railway line - the district admits to black road construction

bahngleise_800x800-equal.jpgThe legal dispute initiated by an objection of the GRÜNE LIGA Thuringia concerning the overbuilding of the Werrabahn line in the district of Hildburghausen by the district road K 530 has now been decided. On 25 October 2022, the district of Hildburghausen withdrew its complaint against the objection decision of the Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation (Thüringer Landesamt für Umwelt, Bergbau und Naturschutz: TLUBN) of 7 May 2021. This means that it is now legally established that the district road K 530 in the 2nd construction section (CS) between Eisfeld and Heid is a blacktop construction that was built by the district without lawful authorisation.

Grit Tetzel, Managing Director of the GRÜNE LIGA Thuringia, explains: "First of all, this is good news for the reactivation of the Werrabahn. Even if the exact variant is still to be found in a regional planning procedure, all options for the important rail gap connection between southern Thuringia and Upper Franconia now remain. For us, it is now above all of interest how the unlawful state of the black construction of the district road K 530 is ended. We believe that both the district of Hildburghausen and the planning approval authority are now obliged to immediately implement the decision of the Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation. Moreover, the intervention by the new construction of the K 530 was superfluous, as an extension of the existing district road close to the existing situation would have been completely sufficient".

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Gypsum mining threatens to destroy unique natural landscapes: Environmental associations call for protection of biodiversity through recycling and efficient use of materials


The German Environmental Aid (Deutsche Umwelthilfe, DUH), the Grüne Liga e.V. and the Association of German Cave and Karst Researchers (Verband der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher e.V., VdHK) strongly warn against mining gypsum in unique natural areas. Minister of Economics and Climate Protection Robert Habeck must present a binding raw material strategy for a resource-conserving and cycle-appropriate use of gypsum, the associations say. The demand is prompted by attempts by the gypsum industry to compensate for the loss of gypsum from flue gas desulphurisation due to the coal phase-out by additional mining in natural areas.

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Half-year meeting: Spotlight on energy issues

The energy issue cannot be discussed separately from housing, raw materials, transport or nature conservation policy. With public input lectures in the morning of our half-year meeting, we want to give examples of such interactions and encourage holistic discussion. We cordially invite you to join us on 19 November 2022 in the roof hall of the Kultur Forum Dresden, Adlergasse 14, 01067 Dresden.

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Die Tour de Natur 2024
20 July 2024
RepairCafe Tharandt
24 July 2024
17:00 - 19:00
Ökomarkt am Kollwitzplatz
25 July 2024
12:00 - 19:00
Kollwitzplatz, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Natur-Stammtisch der Naturschutzstation Osterzgebirge in Altenberg: Bergwiesen-Themenwanderwege
25 July 2024
19:00 - 20:30
You are here: Home Englisch Drive forward for the environment and nature conservation: This was the 28th ENVIRONMENTAL FESTIVAL of the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. at the Brandenburger Tor