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Heu(a)hoj Camp - German-Czech Meadow Camp from 5 to 9 July


In order to see the meadows in the Osterzgebirge in full bloom and to preserve the biodiversity, these biotopes need annual care. Join us and enjoy 4 packed days in nature with culture and (neighbouring) language in the Eastern Ore Mountains: flex your muscles with meadow care, dance your laughing muscles singing around the campfire, discover delicious Bohemian cuisine, experience a neighbourhood festival at the border and much more!

2 days on blossoming mountain meadows and wet meadows in the protected area "Schwarze Wiese", with scythes or motor scythes on the meadow and with the handsaw at stone ridge maintenance, with fork and rake at mowing clearance

2 days exploring the history of the border region - we travel through the landscape and look for traces of human ways of life e.g. in Graupen, Altenberg and Vorderzinnwald.
On the last day of the camp, we will organise the German-Czech neighbourhood festival in Böhmisch-Zinnwald together. The camp is open to everyone (18+) who enjoys being outdoors and German-Czech encounters. Language skills are not a prerequisite for participation; hands, feet, openness and interpreters will ensure understanding.

Your contribution to the costs of food, accommodation and leadership is 50 euros. Travel expenses + contribution to other costs for meals must be paid by the participants themselves. Registration via online registration form at www.heuhoj.de. Accommodation: Mountain hut "U Nováčka", Zadní Telnice (CZ), 4- to 6-bed rooms


Die Tour de Natur 2024
20 July 2024
RepairCafe Tharandt
24 July 2024
17:00 - 19:00
Ökomarkt am Kollwitzplatz
25 July 2024
12:00 - 19:00
Kollwitzplatz, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Natur-Stammtisch der Naturschutzstation Osterzgebirge in Altenberg: Bergwiesen-Themenwanderwege
25 July 2024
19:00 - 20:30
You are here: Home Englisch Drive forward for the environment and nature conservation: This was the 28th ENVIRONMENTAL FESTIVAL of the GRÜNE LIGA Berlin e.V. at the Brandenburger Tor