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Open letter to Minister President Woidke: Broad alliance calls for new logic and more commitment in climate protection

jaenschwalde_9598_395x263-equal.jpgPotsdam, 9.5.2022. This week, the expert participation in the climate plan enters the second round. On this occasion, 27 stakeholders, who are involved by the Ministry of the Environment (MLUK) as experts in the development of the climate plan, published an open letter to Minister President Woidke today.
The experts from civil society, business and science call on the state government to specify in the climate plan the total amount of residual emissions that Brandenburg will still emit until it achieves climate neutrality. They also demand that these amounts of maximum residual emissions be anchored in a climate protection law. The demand is supported by over 70 Brandenburg organisations from the fields of climate, environmental and nature protection, transport associations, conventional and organic agriculture, forestry and hunting, the energy industry, local civil society initiatives, scientists and members of the Brandenburg Sustainability Advisory Council.

Currently, the state government has set the goal that Brandenburg should live and operate in a climate-neutral manner by 2045. However, this goal is too short-sighted for the experts who signed the declaration. For climate protection, it is not important how long greenhouse gases will continue to be emitted in Brandenburg, but above all how many emissions will still be produced until climate neutrality is achieved.
As a further step, the signatories call for a climate protection law, because only a law makes the climate protection goals formulated in the climate plan legally binding. The law should address all sectors and stipulate the maximum amount of residual emissions for Brandenburg.
In addition to stakeholder participation, online participation in the climate plan has now also started. Until 3 June, all Brandenburg citizens can participate directly in the development of the climate plan via an online platform (https://klimaplan-brandenburg-mitmachen.de/). The signatories call on all Brandenburgers to participate in the preparation of the climate plan and to support effective climate protection measures.


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