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Position paper: "The economic instruments of the Water Framework Directive as an opportunity for water protection"

In the view of the GRÜNE LIGA, the opportunities offered by the application of the economic instruments of the Water Framework Directive are still being underused. Besides some successes and promising approaches, there are a number of deficits and an urgent need for action. All this is outlined in the position paper "The economic instruments of the Water Framework Directive as an opportunity for water protection". This brochure is also intended to contribute to the current debate on the advisability of unrestrained waterway expansion (p. 21), the debate on the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (p. 22) and comprehensive resource protection.

positionspapier_oekonomische_instrumente.jpgThe position paper can be downloaded here (pdf 1.61 MB).


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You are here: Home WATER Publications Position paper on the Nitrates Directive submitted to the European Commission